This Title Is Disputed
And how something being disputed means nothing
TL;DR; Mostly everything is or can be disputed.
To put “This is disputed” warnings on only some of the things, you skew reality in favor of whomever you want, and control the narrative in a sly and cowardly way.
Something being disputed doesn’t mean anything, the scientific method exists precisely because of this. Everything can be disputed, and most things are.
All things are subject to interpretation. whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth. — Friedrich Nietzsche
What is true at any given moment has very little to do with truth, and more to do with power.
Something true can be said to be untrue or simply have doubt cast onto it by those in power.
The matter of fact is that more things than you’d wish aren’t completely knowable, and decisions have to made with incomplete data every single time.