Innovation is dead because thinking is illegal

And how stifling thought inevitably stifles progress

Amando Abreu
3 min readMar 21, 2023

A lot of people are invested in telling a story a certain way. You cannot question the narrative, or you’re gonna be in trouble.

The story they want to tell is underway. Don’t question anything about it no matter how much you see through the seams of it all. Ignore your eyes and ears, do what they tell you to. Look where they tell you to look. Don’t question their motives.

Anything that changes the paradigm too much is out of bounds. Solve the problems they tell you exist, don’t question the premise, and ignore your eyes and ears to problems you see.

You want to reduce Co2? Good!

Think perhaps mindless action to affect a single metric is naïve at best and stupid at worst? Get out of here.

You want to expand the impact of renewable energy? Great!

Oh what was that? You focused on the only realistic option, nuclear, so please, get out of here!

You want to reduce meat consumption for-your-healthby forcing a heavily processed meat

